Let's Eat Weeds! a kids' guide to foraging

SKU: 9781922310866

Let's Eat Weeds! a kids' guide to foraging

SKU: 9781922310866
From salads to main dishes, edible weeds are delicious! Find out how to identify them, where and when to find them, and how to cook them.

Ever thought weeds were just pesky plants to pull out and throw away? Think again! This informative, funny, and beautiful book will show you just how great edible weeds can taste. Learn to smell your way to an angled onion, bake weeds 'n' cheese pie, and safely harvest the juicy fruits of a prickly pear.

This is the ultimate companion for the young urban or rural forager. Once you've read it, you'll start to see food all around you, every time you go for a walk.

Annie Raser-Rowland and Adam Grubb's love of weeds bursts from every page. It is their sincere hope that this book ends up smeared with mud and stained with blackberry juice. Let's get foraging!
Regular price $24.99
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Let's Eat Weeds! a kids' guide to foraging is found in these collections: Sustainable Living |

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