That Sight

That Sight
That Sight zooms out to cosmological heights, and beyond to God (or an absence). The biblical book of Genesis threads its way through the volume with its injunctions to 'be fruitful and multiply', its mythic reach always perspectively displaced. Beneath each poetic scherzo the ground could give way and expose everything to the abyss. These poems aren't merely vehicles for clever linguistic exhibitionism, rather they are aware of the weight of language, where the outside is in the inside, the universe is in the body, and 'the beginning is in the end, the atom in the sun'.
'As I discovered in putting this collection together, the central impulse in my poetry is duality — what it means to be both body and spirit, alone and together, certain and unsure, permanent and still so temporary. I have spent much time trying to reconcile these opposing states within myself, ultimately, and very personally, so that I can live with some degree of honour. I hope That Sight exposes the humanness of this endeavour, grappling with the limits of either / or to arrive, momentarily, at the broader expanses of also / and.' — Marjon Mossammaparast
Foreword by Lachlan Brown