A Small Porch: Sabbath Poems 2014

A Small Porch: Sabbath Poems 2014
More than thirty-five years ago, when the weather allowed, Wendell Berry began spending his sabbaths outdoors, walking and wandering around familiar territory, seeking a deep intimacy only time could provide. These walks arranged themselves into poems and each year since he has completed a sequence dated by the year of its composition. Last year we collected the lot into a collection, 'This Day, the Sabbath Poems 1979-2013.' This new sequence for the following year is one of the richest yet. This group provides a virtual syllabus for all of Mr. Berry s cultural and agricultural work in concentrated form. Many of these poems are drawn from the view from a small porch in the woods, a place of stillness and reflection, a vantage point of the one/life of the forest composed/of uncountable lives in countless/years each life coherent itself within/ the coherence, the great composure, /of all. A new collection of Wendell Berry poems is always an occasion of joyful celebration and this one is especially so.'