Welcome to Country (Youth Edition) An Introduction to our First Peoples for Young Australians
Welcome to Country (Youth Edition) An Introduction to our First Peoples for Young Australians
Marcia Langton: Welcome to Country schools edition is essential reading for any Australian high school student who wants to learn more about the culture that has thrived here for over 50,000 years. In this schools edition, author Professor Marcia Langton expands on the educational information from the first edition. Part One of the original book has been reworked, including topics/chapters on Indigenous prehistory, cultures and languages, kinship, art and performance, storytelling, native title, the Stolen Generations and NAIDOC week. The book also includes a wealth of completely new content: New chapter on Indigenous knowledge, covering everything from bush medicine to astrology. Extended chapter on Indigenous art, including key copyright legal cases. New chapter on looking to the future for Indigenous Australia, including the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Cultural awareness chapter refocused from the original book's travel angle.